Results for 'Hermano Igo Krebs'

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  1.  56
    A Comparative Analysis of Speed Profile Models for Ankle Pointing Movements: Evidence that Lower and Upper Extremity Discrete Movements are Controlled by a Single Invariant Strategy.Konstantinos P. Michmizos, Lev Vaisman & Hermano Igo Krebs - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2. Ethics of nature: a map.Angelika Krebs - 1999 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Krebs (philosophy, U. of Frankfurt, Germany) provides a systematic study of whether nature has intrinsic value or is only valuable for human beings, with an ...
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    Certainties and Rule-Following.Andreas Krebs - 2022 - Wittgenstein-Studien 13 (1):23-30.
    This paper argues that Wittgenstein does not assimilate certainties to either linguistic norms or empirical propositions but assigns them to a liminal space between rule and experience. This liminal space is also brought into play in remarks written at the same time as those compiled in On Certainty, but attributed to different bodies of text. The paper maintains that certainties express the agreement and constancy in judgements without which – as Wittgenstein contends in his Philosophical Investigations – rule-following would not (...)
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  4. Morality: An Evolutionary Account.Dennis Krebs - 2008 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 3 (3):149-172.
    Refinements in Darwin’s theory of the origin of a moral sense create a framework equipped to organize and integrate contemporary theory and research on morality. Morality originated in deferential, cooperative, and altruistic ‘‘social instincts,’’ or decision-making strategies, that enabled early humans to maximize their gains from social living and resolve their conflicts of interest in adaptive ways. Moral judgments, moral norms, and conscience originated from strategic interactions among members of groups who experienced confluences and conflicts of interest. Moral argumentation buttressed (...)
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    Toward a More Pragmatic Approach to Morality: A Critical Evaluation of Kohlberg's Model.Dennis L. Krebs & Kathy Denton - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):629-649.
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  6. Stimmung: From Mood to Atmosphere.Angelika Krebs - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1419-1436.
    Unlike human beings, landscapes, cities and buildings cannot feel anything in the literal sense. They do not have nervous systems. Nevertheless, we attribute “Stimmungen” such as peacefulness and melancholy to them. On what basis? With what right? And why does it matter anyway? This paper attempts an answer to this bunch of questions. The first section clarifies the concept of “Stimmung,” by distinguishing its three major meanings, namely harmony, mood and atmosphere. Section two discusses various models of how “Stimmung” is (...)
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    Caesar, Lucretius and the Dates of De Rerum Natura and the Commentarii.Christopher B. Krebs - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):772-779.
    In February 54b.c. Cicero concludes a missive to his brother with a passing and – for us – tantalizing remark:Lucreti poemata ut scribis ita sunt, multis luminibus ingeni, multae tamen artis. sed cum veneris. virum te putabo si Sallusti Empedoclea legeris; hominem non putabo. Quintus had, it seems, readDe rerum natura, or at least parts thereof, just before he left Rome for an undisclosed location nearby, and he shared his enthusiasm with his brotherper codicillos. Meanwhile, he was corresponding with Julius (...)
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    Nursing ethics committees and policy development.Sharon E. Igoe & Susan A. Goncalves - 1997 - HEC Forum 9 (1):20-26.
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  9. Behavioural Ecology, 4th Edition.J. Krebs & N. Davies (eds.) - 1997 - Oxford: Blackwell Science.
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    Überfluss und Luxus.Moritz Krebs - 2022 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 31 (2):60-68.
    Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Zusammenhang von Überfluss und Luxus. Neben einem semantischen wird auch ein historisch-systematischer Zugang gewählt, um den Statuswandel des Überflüssigen und Luxuriösen insbesondere in der Moderne näher zu bestimmen und die historisch-materielle Bedingtheit des Überflüssigen in den Blick zu nehmen.
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  11. Ethics of Nature: Basic Concepts, Basic Arguments of the Present Debate on Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics.Angelika Krebs - 1993 - Dissertation, University of Frankfurt
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    Inhalt.Engelbert Krebs - 1921 - In Thomas (ed.), Thomas von Aquin: Texte Zum Gottesbeweis. De Gruyter. pp. 63-64.
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  13. La dimensión táctica del sentido. Las formas de vida en Wittgenstein.Víctor Krebs - 1995 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 31:71-110.
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    La mirada del milagro. Imagen y palabra en Wittgenstein.Victor Krebs - 2020 - Apuntes Filosóficos 29 (56):69-81.
    This article explores the fate in Wittgenstein's mature work, of the issue of the unsayable, heart of the Tractatus project. According to the traditional interpretation of his work, he left behind that concern as a product of his early mistakes, later refuted in the Investigations. This article attempts to show that, in a certain sense, it is obvious that the problem of ineffability is still behind all his efforts. That it is constitutive not only of Wittgenstein's conception of language, but (...)
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    The origins of morality: an evolutionary account.Dennis Krebs - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In order to account fully for morality, Dennis Krebs departs from traditional approaches to morality that suggest that children acquire morals through ...
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    Uninformative Information: Informationsübertragung als irreführende Leitmetapher der Informationsgesellschaft.Jakob Krebs - 2019 - transcript Verlag.
    Die irreführende technologische Metapher der Informationsübertragung impliziert paradoxerweise uninformative Information. Dem steht jener Informationsbegriff gegenüber, der mit Wissen und Verstehen assoziiert ist. Informativ wird etwas nicht wegen etwas Übertragenem, sondern in Relation zu Interessen und Befähigungen verstehender Wesen. Jakob Krebs zeigt, dass ein aufgeklärtes Selbstverständnis der Informationsgesellschaft somit einer genaueren Bestimmung von Informativität bedarf. Die ist nicht nur philosophisch aufschlussreich, sondern auch für alle Praktiken des Kommunizierens, Lernens und Lehrens. Denn Information lässt sich genauso wenig übertragen wie sich eine (...)
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  17. Animal Signals: Mind-Reading and Manipulation.John R. Krebs & Richard Dawkins - 1984 - In John R. Krebs & Nicholas B. Davies (eds.), Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach (2nd Edition). Blackwell. pp. 380–402.
  18. The bodily root: seeing aspects and inner experience.Victor J. Krebs - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.), Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
  19.  33
    Every word you say: algorithmic mediation and implications of data-driven scholarly communication.Luciana Monteiro-Krebs, Bieke Zaman, David Geerts & Sônia Elisa Caregnato - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):1003-1012.
    Implications of algorithmic mediation can be studied through the artefact itself, peoples’ practices, and the social/political/economical arrangements that affect and are affected by such interactions. Most studies in Academic social media (ASM) focus on one of these elements at a time, either examining design elements or the users’ behaviour on and perceptions of such platforms. We take a multi-faceted approach using affordances as a lens to analyze practices and arrangements traversed by algorithmic mediation. Following our earlier studies that examined the (...)
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    Benign folie à deux: The social construction of positive illusions.Dennis L. Krebs & Kathy Denton - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):525 - 526.
    McKay & Dennett (M&D) have done an admirable job of distinguishing among various forms of misbelief and evaluating the idea that they stem from evolved mental mechanisms. We argue that a complete account of misbeliefs must attend to the role that others play in creating and maintaining positive illusions.
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    Das Weltbild der Igel - Naturethik einmal anders.Angelika Krebs, Stephanie Schuster, Alexander Fischer & Jan Müller (eds.) - 2021 - Schwabe.
    Wie wichtig Natur für menschliches Glück ist, als Ort der Freude am Leben oder zumindest der Zuflucht, ist zuletzt vielen von uns aufgegangen. Trotzdem hat Landschaft bisher keine Lobby. Dieses unkonventionelle Buch tritt für die Schönheit der Natur ein. Es argumentiert gegen die Dominanz der anthropozentrisch-rechnenden Weltbemeisterung und für eine «ästhetische Ökozentrik». Unkonventionell ist das Buch aber auch deshalb, weil es die philosophische Arbeit an Begriff und Argument mit literarischen Passagen von grosser Leuchtkraft verbindet. Diese Passagen stammen aus Peter Kurzecks (...)
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    Poison and Remedy.Victor J. Krebs - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1):83-89.
    The Digital Revolution is transforming the way in which we interact with one another and relate to experience. The superabundance and superfluity of the virtual world, the fleeting moment and instantaneous pleasure it provides, begin to prevail as a cultural value and determine an attitude of detachment and indifference that extends to all aspects of our life. For Søren Kierkegaard this is a “demoniacal temptation” that leads to a life devoid of spiritual depth. In the midst of the undeniable bounties (...)
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    Primate Retina and Choroid.Wolf Krebs - 1991 - New York, NY, USA: Springer.
    An Atlas of the fine structure of the retina in Primates including humans.
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    4. Physikkommentar VIII.Engelbert Krebs - 1921 - In Thomas (ed.), Thomas von Aquin: Texte Zum Gottesbeweis. De Gruyter. pp. 17-32.
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    Worauf man sich verlässt: Sprach- und Erkenntnisphilosophie in Ludwig Wittgensteins "Über Gewissheit".Andreas Krebs - 2007 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  26. Wittgenstein's Transcendentalism.Victor J. Krebs - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    Wittgenstein's later philosophy is usually characterized as pragmatist, his account of linguistic meaning as conventionalist, and his methodology as naturalistic. Wittgenstein is said to have renounced in the later work his early concern with the Unsayable, and to have relocated philosophy within the realm of discourse. I argue against that picture of Wittgenstein's later philosophy in this dissertation. ;The central insight of Wittgenstein's discussion of rules and language in the Investigations is that meaning is not the result of a cognitive (...)
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  27. El naturalismo trascendental del último Wittgenstein.VÍctor Krebs & João Victor Victor - 1996 - Ideas Y Valores 45:61-75.
    El Naturalismo Trascendental del Ultimo Wittgenstein The present article considers an internal tension in Wittgenstein's late philosophy. In what I call his 'naturalism', Wittgenstein circumscribes philosophical reflection to natural objects, to «making natural history». In his 'transcendentalism' he focuses on the «possibility of phenomena» and distinguishes philosophical method from the method of the natural sciences. I show that his 'transcendentalism' is present in his discussion of rules and prívate language, arguing for an interpretation in terms of a kantian type of (...)
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    Why Mothers Should Be Fed: Eine Kritik an Van Parijs.Angelika Krebs - 2000 - Analyse & Kritik 22 (2):155-178.
    This paper reconstructs Van Parijs’ core argument for an unconditional basic income and presents three objections against it. The first and most theoretical objection attacks the egalitarian basis of Van Parijs’ argument and suggests an alternative, humanitarian theory of justice. The second and third more concrete objections accuse Van Parijs of selling-out the right to work as well as the right to recognition of work, for example of family work. The conclusion drawn from these three objections, however, is not that (...)
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  29. Born bad? Evaluating the case against the evolution of morality.Dennis Krebs - 2010 - In Henrik Høgh-Olesen (ed.), Human morality and sociality: evolutionary and comparative perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Del alma y el arte.Víctor J. Krebs - 1997 - Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Bellas Artes.
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    Das Problem der "amicitia" in der 18. Epistel des Horaz.Christopher Krebs - 2002 - Hermes 130 (1):81-99.
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  32. Das Unvergängliche Erbe: Alternativen zum Prinzip der Gleichheit.Pierre Krebs (ed.) - 1981 - Tübingen: Grabert.
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    Die weltanschaulichen und wirtschaftheoretischen Grundlagen der Agrartheorie im Marxismus-Leninismus.Christian Krebs - 1983 - Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt.
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    Liebe und Freundschaft.Angelika Krebs - 2011 - In Ralf Stoecker, Christian Neuhäuser & Marie-Luise Raters (eds.), Handbuch Angewandte Ethik. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler. pp. 403-408.
    Liebe und Freundschaft sind wichtige Dimensionen des guten menschlichen Lebens. Aber was Freundschaft und Liebe genau ausmacht und warum sie eine solche Bedeutung für das gelungene menschliche Leben haben, ist nicht klar. Die Behauptung des zentralen anthropologischen Stellenwertes bezieht sich dabei nur auf Liebe und Freundschaft als Zuwendung zu einem bestimmten anderen Menschen und nicht auf die Liebe zur Natur, zur Heimat, zur Musik, zur Gerechtigkeit, zum Nächsten, zu Gott, zu den eigenen Eltern, Kindern und Geschwistern oder zu sich selbst.
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    Roger Scruton, Green Philosophy. How to Think Seriously about the Planet.Angelika Krebs - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (1):219-220.
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    Sexualität und Geschlechtlichkeit.Angelika Krebs - 2011 - In Ralf Stoecker, Christian Neuhäuser & Marie-Luise Raters (eds.), Handbuch Angewandte Ethik. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler. pp. 397-401.
    Die Sexualethik fragt nach dem Stellenwert von Geschlechtlichkeit oder ‚Sexualität‘, wie sie seit dem 19. Jahrhundert auch heißt (von lat. sexus: Geschlecht), im guten menschlichen Leben. Sie versucht, erfüllte und moralisch akzeptable Formen von weniger erfüllten oder gar moralisch inakzeptablen Formen zu trennen. Im Unterschied zu Liebe, deren zentraler Stellenwert im guten menschlichen Leben unumstritten ist, hat sexuelle Lust oder Wollust in der Geschichte der Philosophie eine überwiegend ‚schlechte Presse‘.
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    The World's Measure: Caesar's Geographies of Gallia and Britannia in their Contexts and as Evidence of his World Map.Christopher B. Krebs - 2018 - American Journal of Philology 139 (1):93-122.
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    XXXI. Aus dem Tagebuch des römischen Oberpriesters von Aegypten.F. Krebs - 1894 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 53 (1-4):577-587.
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    Explanatory limitations of cognitive-developmental approaches to morality.Dennis L. Krebs & Kathy Denton - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (3):672-675.
  40.  54
    El cuerpo sutil del lenguaje y el sentido perdido de la filosofía.Víctor Krebs - 2002 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 14 (1):41-54.
    Este artículo desarrolla la idea que subyace a la obra filosófica de Wittgenstein, por lo menos desde las Investigaciones, del lenguaje como “algo animal” y de nuestras palabras como principalmente expresivas. A partir de esta idea, se propone empezar a mostrar cómo los problemas filosóficos son para él, en última instancia, producto de una desconexión de la dimensión sensible de la cual derivan su sentido nuestras palabras. Se sugiere que el propósito de Wittgenstein es, por lo tanto, propiciar una reconexión (...)
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  41. Foraging Strategies and Their.John R. Krebs - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 3--225.
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  42. German Participation in the Japanese-American War 1941.Gerhard Krebs - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (2):35.
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    Meister Dietrich (Theodoricus Teutonicus de Vriberg).Engelbert Krebs - 1906 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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    Mind, Soul, Language in Wittgenstein.Victor J. Krebs - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:48-53.
    I show that the latter Wittgenstein's treatment of language and the mind results in a conception of the human subject that goes against the exclusive emphasis on the cognitive that characterizes our modern conception of knowledge and the self. For Wittgenstein, our identification with the cognitive ego is tantamount to a blindness to our own nature — blindness that is entrenched in our present culture. The task of philosophy is thus transformed into a form of cultural therapy that seeks to (...)
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    Paul Natorps Ästhetik: eine systemtheoretische Untersuchung.Inge Krebs - 1976 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    Schopenhauers Antinomie: und der philosophische Weg zum evolutionären Realismus und Repräsentationismus.Niklas Krebs - 2014 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    English summary: What minimal philosophical requirements must be considered in order to be able to arrive at an ontologically and epistemologically realist position, with which one is finally able to speak about something like objective empirical knowledge or even an objective science? On the basis of Schopenhauers antinomy of human cognition, and through an introduction and analysis of his philosophical system based on his chief work The World as Will and Representation, a philosophical path is pointed out in this work, (...)
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    6. Summa contra gentiles I c. 13.Engelbert Krebs - 1921 - In Thomas (ed.), Thomas von Aquin: Texte Zum Gottesbeweis. De Gruyter. pp. 43-53.
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  48. Teleologie versus Funktionalität.A. Krebs - 2000 - Philosophia Naturalis 37 (1):45-58.
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    Virtual Body. Vicissitudes of the Digital', 'Cuerpo virtual. Avatares de la digitalidad.Víctor J. Krebs - unknown
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    Evolutionary games and morality.Dennis Krebs - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    The implications of game theory models of the evolution of strategies of exchange are explored with respect to the evolution of moral dispositions. I argue that dispositions to practice tit for tat strategies could have evolved, but the moral behaviours to which they give rise do not fare well on criteria of morality. Inasmuch as the strategy implicit in the Golden Rule is unconditional, it could not have evolved in environments containing strategies that exploit it. However, dispositions to invoke conditional (...)
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